Children's Ministry

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. 

Proverbs 22:6

NURSERY- (0 - 3 Yrs Old)
Our new nursery facilities are fully equipped and staffed by trained volunteers. They are committed to your child's well-being and growth. You can be confident that your child will be well taken care of in this beautiful facility. Parents can have peace of mind while they attend one of the adult Bible classes or one of the worship services. Volunteers who work with children are carefully interviewed, screened, and trained.  We offer two separate nurseries. Our Crawler room is for children 0-15 months and our Toddler room is for children 15 months to 3 yrs old.

PRE-PRIMARY- (3 - 5 Yr Olds)
Games, excitement, learning, crafts, and songs are just a few words that describe the Pre-Primaries Sunday school classes at Cornerstone Baptist Church. During this critical age range, children's ability to memorize Bible verses, and to comprehend more significant truths from the Bible really accelerates. At this age children are starting to understand the need for personal salvation and this class provides opportunities for students to trust in Christ as their Savior and then begin to live for Him. Our loving teachers will reinforce foundational Biblical truths concerning creation, Jesus, salvation, and living for God. Your children will come home singing new songs, quoting verses they have memorized, displaying their crafts, and sharing with you important truths they are learning from the Bible.

PRIMARY (K5 - 2nd Grade)  
It is amazing how much your child will learn in these classes specifically tailored for children. Primary students are introduced to the basics of maturity in Christ on an age-appropriate level. This class provides an excellent opportunity for students to trust in Christ as their Savior and then to begin to grow as new believers. They will learn things like the importance of obedience, being kind, sharing, and even more important truths, like who Jesus is, and the fact that God loves them and made them for a unique purpose. The teachers and workers are trained, dedicated, compassionate, and excited to be a small part of the life of your child.

MIDDLER (3rd & 4th Grade)
Third and fourth graders will experience classes and a Junior church service that is as full of energy, excitement, and hope as they are. They will learn powerful truths from the Bible that will stick with them for the rest of their lives. They will memorize Scripture, participate in games, and make great friends.

JUNIORS (5th & 6th Grade)
The Juniors classes, services and activities create an unforgettable life-building experience through the big ideas in God's Word, the Bible. Each week Juniors will enjoy engaging classes with activities, games, and memorable lessons. On Sundays, during the 10:00 hour they combine for an energetic "Junior Church" for all students 3 yrs–5th grade.

For many years our church has had an impact on children and their families through our Wednesday Night Children's Program. We want to continues to make an impact and see lives changed through this program. We trust that you will make plans to join us every Wednesday night for Cornerstone Clubs!  
Wild West VBS 2019

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